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The main repository for the BlueRPC project is bluerpc/bluerpc which contains:

  • The protocol definition in proto/
  • The python worker implementation in python/
  • The android worker implementation in android/
  • The project's tests scripts in test/
  • The documentation in docs/

There is also an other repository for the Home-Assistant integration: bluerpc/hass

Setting up the environment

The first step is to clone the main repository.

Then you need to install the dependencies, if you are on a debian-based distribution, you can just run sudo make deps-debian which will install all the system dependencies (except for android). You can also run make deps-python to install the python dependencies.

Note that some python dependencies must be available in your path (like isort or black).

Here is a list of the required dependencies for each part of the project:

  • Protobuf generation: buf, proto/requirements.txt
  • Android worker: Java 17, Android SDK
  • Python worker: C compiler, python/requirements.txt
  • Documentation: protoc, protoc-gen-doc, docs/requirements.txt

Development instructions


To validate the protobuf files, run make proto-lint

Python Worker

First, run make python-proto to generate the gRPC stubs.

You can then lint the project with make python-lint and run it with python

To build a python package, run make python-build.

Android Worker

It is recommanded to use Android Studio for development.

First, copy the proto files to the android project with make android-proto

Then you can build the app either from the IDE or with make android-build.


To build the documentation, you also need the worker's dependencies.

To build all the docs, run make docs, you can also run make docs-serve to start a local server.

The android documentation is generated from the javadoc comments with dokka.

The python documentation is generated from the docstrings in google format using lazydocs.


A few testing scripts are available for the project.

These scripts are running real bluetooth commands against bluetooth devices, currently there is a test for the miflora sensor and the switchbot bot. There is also a test for scanning and discovery.

You can run these tests with a command like this pytest ./ --url="".

To test using encryption, use make certs to generate certificates and use --keystore=../certs/client.pfx for the test script and certs/worker.pfx for the worker.

The following parameters are supported:

  • url: the ip:port of the worker
  • mac: the mac address of the bluetooth device (for test_miflora_grpc and test_switchbot_grpc)
  • keystore: path to a keystore for mTLS